At Kirton Lindsey Primary School we take our responsibility to keep our children safe from harm very seriously. The school has rigorous procedures in place for child protection, safer recruitment, e-safety, sex education, health and safety education, risk assessment, staff training, supporting vulnerable children, supporting children’s mental health and checking new staff.
The designated member of staff with responsibility for child protection and safeguarding at school is Mrs R Taylor (Deputy Headteacher) and in her absence; Mr A Marshall (Headteacher), Mrs E Clipsham (Assistant Headteacher) and Mrs A Beale (Learning Mentor) are trained to deputise.
The school has a Safeguarding Committee of Governors who meet each term to review the school’s procedures and actions taken to keep all the children safe. This committee is made up of the Headteacher and other governors.
The school subscribes to an online training tool which ensures all staff and volunteers can access up to date training immediately and receive timely updates, and uses a Child Protection Online Management System (CPOMS) to ensure the highest standards of record keeping.
A copy of the school’s Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy can be found on Our Policies page or it is available by request from the school office.
For help and guidance with supporting your child to stay safe online please see our Digital Safeguarding parent / carer information page.