Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium funding?
The pupil premium gives schools additional funding to raise the attainment of disadvantaged children from reception to Year 11. It was introduced in 2011 for children who were registered as eligible for free school meals or had been looked after by the Local Authority for 6 months or longer. The school also receives Pupil Premium funding for pupils who have previously been in receipt of Free School Meals but may no longer be eligible for the duration of their primary school education. For 2021/2022, schools received £1,345 per eligible pupil of primary school age or £2,345 per pupil who has been looked after for one day or more or has been adopted from care. Schools are held accountable for the attainment and progress of the pupils who receive the funding and the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their classmates.
How can schools spend the funding they receive?
Schools are free to decide how they wish to spend the funding to support progress and achievement for the group of pupils in the school. Some of the ways the funding may be spent are: staff training to improve the quality of teaching, small group or 1-1 tuition, work with families, providing enrichment activities for higher attaining pupils, significantly reducing class sizes, learning mentors, subsidising extra curricular activities and 1-1 coaching to support social and emotional development.
Desired Outcomes for all children, including the group for whom we receive Pupil Premium Funding
For no child to feel different in our school
For children to develop self esteem, confidence in their abilities and have high aspirations for themselves
For children to develop the personal skills to manage their emotions appropriately leading to positive relationships with others
For children to have access to consistently high quality teaching in every class
For children to be supported to learn to read fluently, with understanding and develop a love of reading
For children to access all the wider learning opportunities on offer that they are interested in
For children to develop self esteem, confidence in their abilities and have high aspirations for themselves
For children to develop the personal skills to manage their emotions appropriately leading to positive relationships with others
For children to have access to consistently high quality teaching in every class
For children to be supported to learn to read fluently, with understanding and develop a love of reading
For children to access all the wider learning opportunities on offer that they are interested in
Pupil Premium 2023/2024
The school anticipates £57,700 in Pupil premium funding for the academic year 2023/2024. Please click on the link below for details on how this will be spent.