Sport in School

What is ‘PE and Sport Premium’ funding?

Primary PE and Sport Premium is an initiative that aims to help increase and improve the PE and sporting opportunities for children. PE and Sport Premium funding is provided jointly by the Department for Education, the Department for Health and Culture and the Department for Media and Sport.  It has been allocated to primary school head teachers and is ring-fenced, meaning that it can only be spent on the provision of PE and sport in schools.

The Government believes that head teachers and school leaders should decide how to use the funding for PE and Sports in school. They are held accountable for the decisions they make through:

All primary schools receive a lump sum of £16,000 plus £10 per pupil aged 5 or over on roll.  Here at Kirton Lindsey Primary School our aim is to use the funding effectively to ensure that standards of learning and achievement in PE and Sports are raised, with all children, regardless of their background, engaging in physical activity as part of the curriculum and extra-curricular provision.

PE and Sport Premium at Kirton Lindsey Primary School

Our Sport Premium allocation for 2022-23 was £23,805.

Our Primary PE and Sport Premium Evaluation 2022-23 is here.

Our Sport Premium allocation for 2023-24 is £18,060.

Our Primary PE and Sport Premium Evaluation 2023-24 is here.