Academisation Consultation

Consultation to convert to Academy status and join Isle Education Trust (IET) 

Our Governing Body has been carefully reviewing its options to become an academy and to join a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) and has decided to consult with parents, carers, staff and other stakeholders, on its proposal to become an academy and join Isle Education Trust.  Over the previous few weeks and months the Governing Body have been exploring academisation and the advantages/disadvantages of joining a Multi Academy Trust (MAT). Our working party has reduced an initial number of potential MAT partners from ten to one, the Isle Education Trust.

Isle Education Trust is a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) currently made up of three academies – South Axholme Academy, Epworth Primary Academy and Coritani Academy. It is an education community, driven by the belief that individuals and communities flourish together when they:

The trust’s ethos and values underpin all that they do.  IET believes that individuals are all responsible for their own behaviours.  The IET values describe the ways in which all members of the trust will individually behave and approach their work so that the IET community is the very best it can be.  

 These values are:   

If we know that someone is struggling to live these values, we will work with them to support them because our values are what make us belong.

It is these vision and values that we want Kirton Lindsey Primary School to be a part of as they reflect our own aspirations and beliefs. You may wish to visit the Trust’s website to read more: 

More information on the process and the answers to many of the questions you may have can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document below.  On the 20 November the FAQs document will be updated and shared on our website to reflect any questions that are pertinent to our wider community.

We are now formally consulting with everyone associated with our school on the above proposal. The Governing Body would very much like to hear your opinion. The consultation period will run for a period of four school term weeks.  Consultation will therefore end at 5pm on Friday 6 December 2024.

The Governing Body will then consider a report on the academy consultation and all points made will be considered, before making a final decision on whether to proceed with the proposal. If the Governing Body agrees to proceed, the plan is for the school to join Isle Education Trust at the earliest opportunity in the spring term.

To respond to the consultation, please complete the Google Form, using this link below.  A paper copy can be provided and will be available from the school’s reception. 

We will also be holding a face to face meeting at our school for any parents who wish to come and speak to us or Isle Education Trust representatives on Wednesday 20 November 2024 from 5:30 to 6:30. This meeting has already happened but the consultation is open until 6 December.

Following the closure of the formal consultation period the Governing Body will meet to consider how to proceed and the outcome of the consultation process will be shared with you as soon as practicable following the meeting.

Link to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. Updated 25/11/24