Friends of Kirton Lindsey Primary School
The Friends of Kirton Lindsey Primary School is a registered charity affiliated to PTA-UK with the aim of enhancing the education of the children at Kirton Lindsey Primary School by:
Providing enjoyable and entertaining activities for the children.
Raising money to provide ‘extras’ for the school, which are not covered by government funding.
The committee hold a series of fundraising events and activities throughout the school year to help raise funds and entertain the children.
Events such as:
School discos
Christmas gift shop for the children
Easter bingo
Fashion shows
Christmas cards
The current Friends of Kirton Lindsey Primary School committee members are:
Nicci Evans (Chair Person)
Louise Rhodes (Vice Chair Person)
Ellen Martin (Secretary)
Lindsay Shelley (Treasurer)
The Friends of Kirton Lindsey Primary School support the school in many ways and in recent years this has included the funds for:
School book bags for reception pupils and new children
A school leavers memory gift for all Year 6 leavers
Books for the school library
An outdoor running track
Gymnastics equipment and indoor climbing frame
We have part funded for outdoor play equipment including – the space net, horizontal bars, wooden aeroplane, play den and soft play surfaces
School staging system
Buddy bench
The Friends of Kirton Lindsey Primary School hold regular meetings. For more information, or to express your interest in joining FOKLPS, please contact the committee or see the school newsletter for updates.
Registered Charity No: 1096785