Attendance and Absence

We are committed to providing a quality education for all our pupils. The staff and governors believe that regular school attendance is essential to ensure all pupils benefit from the education the school provides. The school will work with parents to ensure that all pupils achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems which may affect full attendance are acted upon as quickly as possible. The school monitors the attendance of its pupils very carefully and parents are provided with a termly attendance report for their child to help them monitor their child’s attendance. Where attendance causes concern, parents will be notified by letter.

Attendance for the academic year 2023-24 was 95.5%.

A copy of the school’s Attendance Policy can be found on our policies page or it is available by request from the school office.

Holidays in Term Time

No authorisation will be given for holidays taken during term time. The Headteacher has discretionary powers to grant a leave of absence in exceptional circumstances only. Parents must complete an application form available from the school office (or below) at least two weeks prior to the requested absence and provide written evidence from a doctor or employer. Holidays should not be booked in term time unless consent has been given by the school. Each parent with parental responsibility may be issued with a £60 fine from the Local Authority if holidays are taken without approval from the school.

Sickness Absence

If your child is absent through sickness or any unavoidable cause, please telephone the school on the first day of the absence by 9.30am.